Dr. Rajendra Sonavane
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What is Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy?

Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy is a minimally invasive, safe and painless surgical procedure used to treat patients with Grade 3 and Grade 4 piles.

Before we discuss the surgery, let us understand the different grades of piles.

Our anal canal has cushions of tissue that are full of blood vessels. Due to various reasons, these cushions get inflamed and swollen up, resulting in piles. Piles occur in a range of sizes, and they may be internal or external. In Grade 3, the piles protrude out on pressure and the patient can push it back with his / her fingers. If the patient is unable to manually push it back and it remains out all the time, we say the piles have advanced to the fourth degree. In such a scenario, no medicine can ever push the piles back. Surgery is the only option for relief to the patient.

At Proctocare Clinic, these patients undergo Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy, a safe and painless treatment using Staplers. This procedure helps to fix the protruding tissues in the anal cavity. It severs the blood supply to the arteries due to which the piles shrink and later disappear. At Proctocare Clinic, we use high-quality staplers which are biodegradable and safe.

How is the surgery (procedure) done?

For Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy procedure, the surgeon inserts a circular, hollow tube into the anal canal. Through this tube, the surgeon passes a suture (a long thread) above the haemorrhoids. With the help of these sutures, the staplers are fixed to pull back and hold the hemorrhoidal cushions into their normal position within the anal canal. The stapler is then fired resulting in pulling the haemorrhoids (piles) in their natural position and cutting off their blood supply. Eventually the piles shrink and disappear. This is done in the insensitive portion of the anal canal. Hence, after the surgery, there is very little pain. Stapler Haemorrhoidopexy is designed primarily to treat internal haemorrhoids, but if external haemorrhoids are present, it may reduce as well.

What kind of anaesthesia is given to the patient for the surgery?

This surgery is done in the hospital's operation theatre. The patient is sedated with either local or regional anaesthesia.

How is the patient prepared for the surgery?

Every patient undergoing this procedure will need a fitness certificate. For this, he/she will require to get various blood tests and other investigations done. The patient needs to fast for a minimum of 12 hours. An oral laxative and enema are given to the patient to empty the stomach before the procedure. The patient's blood pressure and sugar levels must be well-controlled at the time of surgery.

What are the risks and complications of Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy?

There is a very minimal risk of bleeding, pain, infection and recurrence. But, when performed by an expert surgeon, these risks are relatively low.

How long does the patient stay in the hospital?

We keep the patient overnight and discharge the next day.

What is the post-operation care to be taken; how long does the patient take to recover completely?

In a routine case, the patient recovers within 2-3 days. For those with large piles and other complications, recovery time maybe a few more days. Although a painless procedure, some patients may experience mild pain and discomfort, which subsides gradually. Some patients may experience spotting or bleeding while passing motions for a few days after the procedure. Your doctor will prescribe topical ointment and painkillers to you after the surgery. A laxative is prescribed to soften the stools and ani-inflammatory medicines to reduce the pain. There is a follow up with the doctor after 5-7 days. Most patients do not need further visits to the clinic.

How is Stapler surgery better than the open surgery done conventionally?

Open surgeries for piles cause severe pain and bleeding. Healing also takes a long time. After open surgery, some may suffer urine retention and infection in the operated area.

Stapler surgery has resolved these post-surgery problems. It is safe and painless with a low chance of recurrence. Check the advantages to opt for this surgery:

  • Minimal invasive surgery
  • Less pain
  • Less bleeding
  • Fast recovery and return to routine activities
  • Greater surgical precision
  • Short stay in hospital 
  • Quick relief from the symptoms
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Less chance of recurrence
  • No repeated visits after surgery
  • High success rates
  • Conducted with local or regional anaesthesia
  • Safe procedure for most patients with minimal risks