Dr. Rajendra Sonavane
Certified training in LASER surgery, Germany & Poland
What is LASER Haemorrhoidopexy (LHP)?
LASER haemorrhoidopexy (LHP) is a minimally invasive, painless surgical procedure used for the treatment of piles with the use of LASERS. Proctocare clinic is equipped with an advanced 1470 nm LASER machine of Lasotronix.
Let us understand this new advanced tool in the treatment of various ano-rectal diseases.
LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a high-energy light that is used in many treatments. LASER is precise, its light does not swerve or digress from the point and its depth is controlled and hence, it gives spectacular results and has become the preferred treatment these days.
How is the surgery (procedure) done?
Since it is a very unconventional way of surgery and so quick, it is often referred as LASER treatment. Yet, it is a surgery done under local or regional anesthesia in the operation theatre. In a routine non-complicated case; it takes merely 15-20 minutes.
LHP (LASER Hemorrhoidopexy) begins with an insertion of a small telescope to access the hemorrhoids (piles). A LASER fiber is passed through the anal opening and LASER energy is applied to the hemorrhoids node (mass). The controlled emission of LASER energy inhibits the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, causing the abnormal growth of this mass to shrink and obliterate. One can control the power and duration of LASER beam to regulate the shrinkage of mass. There is no cut involved in the procedure hence no wounds are inflicted in the area. Besides, the patient has minimal bleeding and no scar. This is a safe and quick procedure. LASER treatment prevents the recurrence of piles. Unlike conventional methods, LASER surgery does not involve use of any clamps etc. hence there is no risk of stenosis (narrowing of spinal canal).
LASER Hemorrhoidopexy delivers excellent healing since no stitches or incisions are involved. Within a short period, a patient can resume daily activities.
What kind of anesthesia administered?
This surgery is done in the Operation theatre where the anesthetist will administer local or regional anesthesia.
How is the patient prepared for the surgery?
Various blood tests and other investigations are conducted to determine a patient’s fitness. Once the patient is declared fit, our surgeon will explain to you about the procedure and also give you instructions about do’s and don’ts before and after the surgery. The patient undergoing LASER Hemorrhoidopexy (LHP) needs to fast for a minimum of 12 hours. He/she is given an oral laxative to empty the stomach before the procedure. Patients’ blood pressure and sugar levels have to be well-controlled for the procedure.
What are the risks and complications of Laser Hemorrhoidopexy?
This is a safe procedure that is done routinely in Proctocare Clinic. The advantage with LASER surgery is that a pregnant woman in her first or second trimester, elderly patients, patients with heart ailments, etc. can also be operated without any major risks.
How long does the patient stay in the hospital?
We keep the patient overnight and discharge after 24 hours.
What is the post-operation care to be taken and how long does the patient take to recover completely?
Recovery from LASER surgery varies from person to person; depending on the patient’s general health, coping capacity, etc. Generally, patients get back to routine activities in 2 -3 days. There may be some pain and discomfort after the surgery, which subsides gradually. Some patients may experience spotting or bleeding while passing motions for a few days after the procedure. Topical ointment and painkillers are prescribed for a few days after the surgery. There is a follow up with the doctor after 5-7 days. Most patients do not need any further visits to the clinic.
How is it better than conventional treatments?
Before the advent of LASER technology in the field of proctology, piles was treated by banding and surgery. This surgery had many limitations. Post-surgery, patients complained of pain, urine retention, bleeding and subcutaneous abscess. The hospital stay was longer, recovery prolonged and the chance of recurrence high.
LASER surgery or treatment is a very effective procedure that offers several advantages over traditional surgery:
- Minimal invasive surgery
- Greater surgical precision
- Short stay in hospital
- Quick relief from the symptoms
- Fastest recovery as there is no cut or stitches
- Less pain, no scar
- Less blood loss during surgery
- Reduced risk of infection, rectal stenosis or prolapse
- The anal sphincter action is well preserved, (no chances of incontinence or faecal leak).
- Least recurrence rate
- No repeated visits after surgery
- High success rates
- No need for general anesthesia. Local or spinal anesthesia is sufficient for this surgery
- Return to routine in 2-3 days
- Happy patient
- Cost-effective
- Safe procedure for pregnant women (up to 6 months), elderly patients and those with heart problems